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SnakePlay FAQ

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago



How do I edit pages here?

It's easy... which is kinda dangerous. Don't be a pigeon and screw up the good stuff people have put here. We're all in this together... with the #$%#$%#$%@ SNAKES! ;-)


Login using the password "soap" and go to the page you want to edit and click edit.


What is audience participation?

If you really have to ask... Anyhoo, it's like in gradeschool when you all agreed to sneeze at the same time during some boring class... only with strangers, in a movie. Rocky Horror Picture Show is probably the most famous film to go participatory, but there are more, see Mommie Dearest, The Sound of Music and many others.


What about etiquette in the theatre?

Rule #1 - Don't mess up the theatre! They won't let you come back. But, if you do it right, you can even get theatre owners to do special midnight screenings just for Snake Players.


Rule #2 - Don't hurt anyone. If you hurt them bad, you could go to jail. If you only hurt them a little, it might just turn out to be world heavyweight champion, Matt Hickey. And if that is the case, he might kick the crap out of you with his signature move, the "Atomic Squat." So, use your head.


What if I don't have any friends?

Sucks to be you. But, visit the Group Participation page for some Groups already self-organizing, and tips on how to organize Snake Player events with complete strangers. (HINT: It involves using the TUBES on the INTERNETS!)



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Just kidding. Please keep the content of these pages spam free.

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